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Grief Shared, LLC

Kathryn Hayden, CT, RN 

322 Main St - The Mills

Bldg 2 East #1F

Willimantic, CT 06226

Tel: (860)-450-6380

Services and Fees: Kathryn Hayden, CT,RN

*Individual Grief Support/Hour                                     $  50

*Guest Lectures/90 minutes                                          $250

*Group Support for your Employees or Clients: contact me for      further information on availability and fees.

It would be an honor to speak with you about your loss, regardless of where you are in your journey. My hope is to guide you to where the profound and overwhelming pain begins to soften, where the mention of your loved one’s name increasingly engenders a soft smile of love in remembrance.   

Free Phone or In Person Consultation

In partnership with Sarah Bland, LPC, the Evenings After Support Group is free and open to the public.  The meetings are held at 322 Main Street (The Mills 1st Floor Conference Room) in Willimantic, CT. Please call 860-450-6380 for further information. 

Free and Open to All:

First & Third Tuesday Group Support 6:00-7:30 pm

The Mills in Willimantic


Grief Shared, LLC

Kathryn Hayden, CT, RN

322 Main St - The Mills

Bldg 2 East #1F

Willimantic, CT 06226

Tel: (860)-450-6380

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